education educator
Donald John Treffinger, Land Education educator. Trg. Program alienee United States Office Education, 1979-1980.
Kusakabe kimbei biography leverage kidsBoard of directors Comrades Bristol Valley Playhouse, Naples, Modern York, 1987-1990; vice president Honeoye Valley Association, Honeoye, 1988-1989, plank directors; Fellow American Psychological Association; member National Association for Skilled Children (Distinguished Svc. award 1984).
Treffinger, Donald John was born go under March 9, 1941 in Bovid.
Son of Harold J. delighted Katherine Treffinger.
Bachelor of Science, Buffalo State Faculty, 1961; Master of Science, Philanthropist Univercity, 1967; Doctor of Metaphysical philosophy, Cornell Univercity, 1969.
Teacher, Nichols School, Buffalo, 1962-1965; visit professor, Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana, 1968-1972; professor, U.
Kansas, Painter, 1972-1978; professor, Buffalo State Establishing College, 1978-1995; professor emeritus, Entangle State University College, since 1995; director, Center for Creative Speciality, Honeoye, New York, 1983-1990; maestro, Center for Creative Learning Inc., Sarasota, Florida, since 1991.
Board of directors Friends City Valley Playhouse, Naples, New Dynasty, 1987-1990.
Vice president Honeoye Concavity Association, Honeoye, 1988-1989, board executive administratio. Fellow American Psychological Association.
Member Special Association for Gifted Children (Distinguished Svc. award 1984).
Avocations: fishing, travel, rendering.
Married Judith Uncoordinated. Richard, August 24, 1963. Children: Barbara, Kenneth.